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Coaching Code of Ethics

General professional conduct

As a coach:

1- I will conduct myself in such a way as to present a positive image of the coaching profession and I will refrain from behaviors or statements that undermine the understanding or acceptance by the public of coaching as a profession.

2- I will not knowingly make any public statements that are false or misleading, or make false promises in any document whatsoever relating to the profession of coach.

3- I will respect the various coaching approaches. I will treat the work and contributions of others with respect and will not present them as my own.

4- I will be attentive to any potentially harmful impact by recognizing the nature of coaching and its impact on the lives of other people.

5- In all circumstances, I will seek to recognize the personal consequences that could influence, enter into conflict or interfere with the performance of my coaching or my professional relationships. When facts or circumstances dictate, I will seek professional assistance promptly and determine what action to take, including whether it is appropriate to suspend or terminate my coaching relationship.

6- I will conduct and report research with competence, loyalty and within the framework of recognized scientific standards. My research will be conducted with the necessary approval or consent of those involved, and with an approach that reasonably protects participants from any potential risk.

7- With precision, I will create, maintain, archive and destroy all traces of work done in connection with the practice of coaching in a way that ensures confidentiality and complies with all applicable laws.

8- I will use the information on the Solutions Performances site (Internet addresses, telephone numbers, etc.) only in the manner and within the framework authorized by the Superior School of Coaching and Solutions Performances.

Professional conduct towards clients

As a coach:

9- I will be responsible for determining the clear, relevant and culturally appropriate boundaries that govern any physical contact I may have with my clients.

10- I will build clear agreements with my clients and I will honor all agreements made in the context of professional coaching relationships.

11- I will make sure that, during the first session, or beforehand, my client understands the nature of the coaching, the confidentiality framework, the financial agreements and the other terms of the coaching contract.

12- I will identify with precision my qualifications, my know-how and my experience as a coach.

13- I will not intentionally guide my client or make false promises about what my client might get from a coaching process or from me as a coach.

14- I will not give my clients or prospects any information or advice that I know or believe to be misleading.

15- I will not knowingly exploit any aspect of the coach-client relationship for my own benefit or for my personal, professional or financial advantage.

16- I will respect the client's right to end the coaching at some point in the process. I will be attentive to signs that the client is no longer taking advantage of our coaching relationship.

17- If I believe that the client would be better supported by another coach, or by another resource, I will encourage the client to make this change.

18- I will suggest that my clients seek the services of other professionals when it appears relevant or necessary.

19- I will take all necessary measures to inform the competent authorities in the event that my client declares an intention to endanger himself or third parties.


As a coach:

20- I will respect the confidentiality of my client's comments, unless expressly authorized by him or otherwise required by law.

21- I will obtain the consent of my clients before mentioning their identity or any information enabling them to be identified.

22- I will obtain the agreement of the beneficiary of the coaching before revealing any information concerning him to anyone who pays for my service.

Conflicts of interest

As a coach:

23- I will take care to avoid any conflict between my interests and those of my clients.

24- For any conflict of interest, current or potential, I will openly discuss the situation and fully discuss with my client how to deal with them in any way that best serves them.

25- I will keep my client informed of any compensation that I may receive from third parties for recommendations or advice concerning him.

26- I will practice the exchange of services for services, goods or any other non-financial remuneration only when this does not affect the coaching relationship.

27- I undertake to never communicate the lessons, exercises, audio lessons and know-how of the Superior Coaching School to another training organization or any other company on my behalf or on behalf of a third party.

28- I undertake not to use any content from the training courses of the Superior Coaching School as part of a similar or related activity on my behalf or on behalf of a third party.

Each course being an original intellectual production, the infringer would also expose himself to legal proceedings in intellectual property.

As a professional coach, I am committed to honoring my ethical obligations towards my clients, my colleagues and the public in general.


I undertake to respect the code of ethics of the Ecole Supérieure de Coaching , to treat people with respect as independent and equal human beings, and to claim these commitments from those I support.

If I violate this commitment or any part of the Code of ethics of the Superior School of Coaching, I agree that the Superior School of Coaching, in its sole discretion, will hold me responsible.

Furthermore, I agree that my responsibility towards the Higher School of Coaching may result in the loss of my certification and my accreditation from the Higher School of Coaching.


Coaching firm in Toulouse specializing in supporting HR in inclusion (disability) and management for responsible and sustainable performance.

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