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Handicap ... another idea of performance !

What if taking disability into account in companies became a real concern ? I'm not talking about a "legal" concern, but a general awareness.

Since the application of the laws of 2005 and 2020, CSR initiatives, companies have made progress on the inclusion of employees with disabilities ... and that's good!

With the purchase of services from EA and ESAT, companies needed to reassure themselves about the abilities of disabled workers to meet their expectations in terms of quality and performance .

The next step concerns the recruitment and retention of these people. According to the AGEFIPH survey of May 2021, 33% of private companies plan to do so within two years.

But recruiting and integrating an employee with a disability can seem difficult and requires appropriate support from the employee, the manager and the team. It is an essential element for the success of professional integration and the construction of a sustainable diversity policy .

These employees often need to be reassured about their skills, to strengthen their self-confidence to ensure their autonomy and their fulfillment. This is where listening, benevolence, confidentiality, dialogue with the coach takes on all its importance with the coachee and the management.  for the benefit of responsible performance .

photo illustration handicap homme

... for the benefit of responsible performance .

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